Natural joint pain relief

Thursday 28 March 2013


Heart and blood vessel disease — cardiovascular disease — includes numerous problems, many of which are related to a process called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition that develops when a substance called plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries. This buildup narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow through. If a blood clot forms, it can stop the blood flow. This can cause a heart attack or stroke.
Stable plaques in the heart's arteries cause angina (chest pain on exertion). Sudden plaque rupture and clotting causes heart muscle to die. This is a heart attack, or myocardial infarction. Ruptured plaques in the brain's arteries causes strokes, with the potential for permanent brain damage. Temporary blockages in an artery can also cause transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), which are warning signs of stroke; however, there is no brain injury. Narrowing in the arteries of the legs caused by plaque. Peripheral artery disease causes poor circulation. This causes pain on walking and poor
wound healing. Severe disease may lead to amputations.
Heart disease research doctors and scientists do not know the exact cause or causes of atherosclerosis. Scientists think that the buildup of plaque starts when the lining of the artery is damaged or injured, but they are not sure why and how the artery becomes damaged in the first place. Scientists are also unsure of when atherosclerosis begins. They do know that it is a slow and complex disease that may start in childhood. They also think that atherosclerosis is directly related to cardiovascular health. High cholesterol and high blood pressure (hypertension) are conditions with few symptoms 
Modern research in China has resulted in an integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theories with Western Medicine's understanding of the cardiovascular system.
High Cholesterol and Chinese Medicine 
TCM recognises the links between lifestyle, cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease, by using the metaphor of Phlegm to describe this condition. According to TCM, Phlegm is created when we eat a poor diet or when our digestive system is not working optimally. Phlegm can obstruct the proper flow of Qi and Blood in the body. For some people, this can lead to chest pain or even heart attacks.
Hypertension and Chinese Medicine 
TCM uses several different metaphors to describe the processes involved in hypertension. One of the most important ones considers the balance of Yin and Yang in the body. According to Chinese theories, Yin and Yang are complementary opposites that keep each other in balance. Yin is considered to be solid and heavy, while Yang is seen as fluid and light. If there is not enough Yin to anchor Yang, than Yang will float upwards. In the case of hypertension, aging and chronic stress are things that consume Yin thus leaving Yang.
The key herbal components in CardiOKare can do below:
1. Help to soften vessels, improve peripheral circulation, so blood pressure is lowered;
2. Help to prevent platelet coagulation, clear lipids and toxics in blood, improve microcirculation, the clots can’t be formed easily, heart and related organs are protected against attack or stroke;
3. Help to clear phlegm in cardiovascular system to smooth Qi and Blood in the body to improve chest pain;
4. Help to balance Yin & Yang to recover cardiovascular system function by improving vivo environments, so the cardiovascular diseases are under control or removed.

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